Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mungkinkah terdapat separo replika dekat mana wakaf zakatul Fitri diperbolehkan selaku tunai?

Mungkinkah terdapat separo replika dekat mana wakaf zakatul Fitri diperbolehkan selaku tunai -Syekh Ahmad bin Muhammad bin al-Siddi al-Ghumari al-Hassani dalam bukunya " Tahkeeq al-`Amal Fi Ikhraaj Zakaatul-Fitr bil-Maal" membuktikan bagaimana Zakaat ul-Fitr dapat diberikan dalam bentuk uang menggunakan 32 insiden dari Hadits, athar dan fiqhi usool maksim. 

Di antara hal-hal yang dikatakannya menggunakan berbagai laporan adalah itu 

1) Tujuan zakaat ul-Fitri (pada akhir ramadhan) adalah untuk 

(i) bersihkan kami dari dosa dan fahaasha yang kami lakukan selama puasa [Sunan Abi Dawood 1609 melalui Ibnu Abbas] 

(ii) Untuk mencegah orang miskin dari mengemis

(iii) sebagai sumber makanan bagi orang miskin [Ref: Sunan ibn Majah 1828]

Muhaddith Ahmad Shakir (rahimahullah), dalam komentarnya tentang Al-Muhalla oleh Ibn Hazm (rahimahullah) yang menempel secara harfiah hanya dengan dua object, kurma dan barley, mengatakan:

“Zakat ini wajib membiarkan orang miskin menghindari mengemis dari rumah ke rumah pada hari Idul Fitri sementara orang kaya menikmati kekayaan mereka di rumah mereka. Biarkan semua orang berpikir dengan tulus; apakah dia akan membebaskan orang miskin dari berkeliling mengemis jika dia memberi salah satu dari mereka kurma atau jelai di sebuah kota (yang maju) seperti Kairo pada hari-hari ini? Apa yang akan dilakukan orang miskin dengan hal itu kecuali berkeliling mencari di sana-sini untuk menemukan seseorang yang akan membelinya, bahkan dengan harga murah, untuk membeli untuk dirinya dan anak-anaknya makanan yang bisa mereka makan. ”

[Ref: Muhalla 6: 120-127 dengan komentar shaykh ahmad shakir rh] 

Ibnu Taimiyah mengadopsi jalan tengah dengan mengatakan:

"Untuk memberikan harga (yaitu uang) tanpa perlu atau keuntungan yang lebih baik tidak diperbolehkan."

This approach that it's miles allowed where there's a want or advantage.

As for the three Imams, Malik, Al-Shaf`ee and Ahmad, they do not permit giving money either in Zakat al-Fitr or in Zakat in widespread due to the fact the Prophet (sallalahu `alayhi wa sallam) stated unique matters to receive in Zakat. 

So a few sahaaba modified/modified the weights together with changing one sa` of dates which the sahaba used to offer throughout the prophet's time with two mudd of wheat.  [Ref: Saheeh Muslim and Sunan Ibn Majah 1829 wherein Mu`awiyah r.A and others modified the weight/quantity . This can also been seen in the two works titled Sharh Mushkilul Athar 9/27 (3408) and تمام المنة في التعليق على فقه السنة ص: 387]۔] . This is likewise suggested via `Umar (r.A) and other sahaaba who when became rich and noticed the people becoming wealthy wished that humans multiplied their sa`a amounts with replacing certain meals with any other (richer) food sorts (including dry culmination of our time). 

Mungkinkah terdapat separo replika dekat mana wakaf zakatul Fitri diperbolehkan selaku tunai

Given inside the above, the position of the scholars who limit zakaat ul-Fitr to meals handiest is sizeable and more secure. And every so often in our times very useful as an instance say we were to present approx 2000 INR from a own family of 5 as zakaat ul-fitr. This 2000 INR if spent on shopping food for the bad might certainly fill his month-to-month requirement of ration. This manner the meals could truly be greater beneficial than the cash. 

 But in some instances or areas the meals takes place to be very luxurious and not enough say six hundred RS for someone , then in this example some students propose giving money right here is higher as Imam Yahya ibn Ma`een rahimahullah stated that there is no damage in doing so if it serves a bonus : 

ليس به بأسا أن يعطي زكاة رمضان فَصُّهُ 

Imam yahya's personal student reviews that Imam yahya stated there has been no harm in giving zakatul fitr in cash

[Ref: Tareekh Yahya ibn Ma`een, 2765 and 2326 in Volume , can be downloaded from : http://ia700404.Us.Archive.Org/1/objects/waq5680/03_5682.Pdf, ، رواية الدوري]

 حدثنا أبو أسامة ، عن زهير ، قال : سمعت أبا إسحاق يقول : أدركتهم وهم يعطون في صدقة رمضان ، الدراهم بقيمة الطعام.

Imam Abu Ishaaq (as-sab`iy) stated that he noticed/located them [1] giving food's equivalent quantity in money as zakatul fitr in ramadan

[Ref: Musannaf ibn abi shaibah, . سلفية: 3/ 174, isnad is muttasil, صحیح علی شرط الشیخین وابواسحاق روی امرا شاھدہ فلاعبرۃ بتدلیسہ واختلاطہ ۔وحدیثہ من طریق زھیر اخرجہ مسلم.  ]

[1] sahaba and taba`een each ( best generations) 

ابن أبي شيبة قال: حدثنا وكيع عن سفيان عن هشام عن الحسن قال لابأس أن تعطى الدراهم في صدقة الفطر

Imam ibn abi shaybah said narrated by means of wakee` from sufyan from hisham from hasan (al basri the senior notable taba`ee) that there's no problem in giving ramadan's zakat (ul fitr) in daraahim (singular: dirham i.E. Cash) 

[Ref: Musannaf ibn abi shaibah تاب الزكاة [ج7/67]

Imam ibn Abi shaybah rahimahullah also entitled an entire chapter in his Musannaf as 

مصنّف بن أبي شيبة كِتَابُ الزَّكَاةِ  فِي إِعْطَاءِ الدَّرَاهِمِ فِي زَكَاةِ الْفِطْرِ

Chapter of giving cash as zakatul fitr 

The first Mujaddid Of Islam who has been interpreted to be in accordance to the prophetic hadeeth " after every 100 years Allah sends a person to restore the deen" - the unanimously agreed upon 5th rightly guided caliph of Islam `Umar ibn `Abdul `Azeez commanded to his governors in Basra and somewhere else to acquire zakatul fitr from the human beings in phrases of food objects or its equal in cash

10195 حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو أُسَامَةَ ، عَنِ ابْنِ عَوْنٍ ، قَالَ : سَمِعْتُ كِتَابَ عُمَرَ بْنِ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ يُقْرَأُ إِلَى عَدِيٍّ بِالْبَصْرَةِ يُؤْخَذُ مِنْ أَهْلِ الدِّيوَانِ مِنْ أَعْطِيَّاتِهِمْ ، عَنْ كُلِّ إِنْسَانٍ نِصْفُ دِرْهَمٍ

commanded to his governors in Basra and somewhere else to collect zakatul fitr from the people in terms of meals gadgets or its equivalent in money

[Ref: Musannaf ibn abi shaibah, chain is authentic as declared by Imam ibn hazm (who was strictly against the cash view btw) in his Muhalla (4/252), this was also reported by ابن بن زنجويه فی الأموال لابن زنجويه . (1268) ] 

Please note that `Umar ibn abdul aziz had instructed this as an EMPIRE-WIDE command masking Millions if now not extra Muslims and nobody from some of the students or in any other case hostile him. Also folks who did look at the biography of `Umar ibn `Abdul aziz r.H recognise that he used to always consult the students earlier than passing any religious or even navy judgements. So such a large scale command in the course of the strong Islamic empire will not be carried out without consideration by means of the fifth rightly guided caliph

10196 حَدَّثَنَا وَكِيعٌ ، عَنْ قُرَّةَ ، قَالَ : جَاءَنَا كِتَابُ عُمَرَ بْنِ عَبْدِ الْعَزِيزِ فِي صَدَقَةِ الْفِطْرِ نِصْفُ صَاعٍ عَنْ كُلِّ إِنْسَانٍ أَوْ قِيمَتُهُ نِصْفُ دِرْهَمٍ

10198 حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو أُسَامَةَ ، عَنْ زُهَيْرٍ ، قَالَ : سَمِعْتُ أَبَا إِسْحَاقَ ، يَقُولُ : أَدْرَكْتُهُمْ وَهُمْ يُعْطُونَ فِي صَدَقَةِ رَمَضَانَ الدَّرَاهِمَ بِقِيمَةِ الطَّعَامِ

and from Imam `Ata 

10199 حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو بَكْرٍ عَنْ عُمَرَ ، عَنِ ابْنِ جُرَيْجٍ ، عَنْ عَطَاءٍ ، أَنَّهُ كَرِهَ أَنْ يُعْطِيَ فِي صَدَقَةِ الْفِطْرِ وَرِقًا

Among the scholars after the generation of taba`een , there were nevertheless many scholars who held the view that made it permissible to offer zakatul fitr in coins which includes 

1) Imam nu`guy ibn thabit aka Abu Haneefa rahimahullah (D. 150 A.H.) [Ref: Sunan ad-daraqutni 2/150, isnad saheeh] 

2) Imam yahya ibn ma`een rahimahullah (see quote in above pages)

3) Imam امام ابن زنجويه (D. 251 A.H) said :

 قَالَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ: قَالَ حُمَيْدٌ: الْقِيمَةُ تُجْزِي فِي الطَّعَامِ إِنْ شَاءَ اللَّهُ، وَالطَّعَامُ أَفْضَلُ

It is permissible to present coins in location of meals (as zakatul fitr) however giving meals is higher (afdhal)

[Ref: الأموال لابن زنجويه  three/1269, 2457 shamela] 

Imam Ahmad shakir al-misri rahimahullah (in Muhalla ibn hazm page 132); Hafidh zubair `ali zai (rahimahullah) has also deemed it permissible and quoted many aslaaf in his aid (Fatawa `Ilmiyyah 2/165] 

four) The 4th Hijri massive of his time, Imam Abu Ja`a long way (D. 362 A.H) who is a faqeeh in every proper and his character is most of the few on which each muslim fraction is of the same opinion/venerates upon, and regrettably nowadays best those whom you listen on youtube or through some scholar in some random e book are considered as worth pupils . Nevertheless, the Imam proving his faqahat, May Allah have mercy on him said: 

أداء القيمة أفضل؛ لأنه أقرب إلى منفعة الفقير فإنه يشتري به للحال ما يحتاج إليه، والتنصيص على الحنطة والشعير كان؛ لأن البياعات في ذلك الوقت بالمدينة يكون بها فأما في ديارنا البياعات تجرى بالنقود، وهي أعز الأموال فالأداء منها أفضل

To give coins (as zakatul fitr) is higher because this is the maximum useful for the faqeer because he can then buy some thing he likes and wishes [1] there and then [2] and (the context, expertise and implication) inside the prophetic hadeeth that point out wheat and different meals items become so due to the fact lower back then in (the city of) Madinah those meals gadgets were (frequently) used as currency (i.E. Barter gadget) whereas today in our towns we indulge in trade via foreign money and this (i.E. Cash/money) is likewise the most treasured commodity (for guy) so it's miles better to present from it (i.E. Cash)

[Ref: al-mabsoot lil-sarkhasi 3/107]

[1] because many times the bad person you are donating wheat or rice possibly already has enough of that during his residence and to unload extra on him is wasting each the sources and opportunity. 

[2] lower back then, to buy correct and deliver them through delivery changed into time eating. Even today in lots of growing nations inclusive of India, Asia, people have to buy large quantities of food, load them on the truck, incur the logistics, transport and different prices only to supply a few sa`a/pounds of food to the masakeen. 

Those who deny or have the audacity to not observe those aslaaf or deem their fatawa as wrong due to the fact some current shaykh residing these days or last decade rahimahumallah stated so should examine this : 

Imam sam`ani (a well known persona to students of expertise who in reality research and not simply mug up on-line) died 562 A.H said :

كان إماما فاضلا ۔۔۔ حدث بالحديث

he's an Imaam and faadhil (no apt english trans) and has narrated (many) narrations of hadeeth 

[Ref: الأنساب للسمعاني، ت المعلمي: 13/ 432]

Imam dhahabi (D. 748 A.H) said: 

كان من براعته في الفقه يقال له أبو حنيفة الصغير توفي ببخارى وكان شيخ تلك الديار في زمانه

His superiority or excellency in the talent of Fiqh (knowledge islamic texts and deductions) become such that he changed into addressed as "Junior Abu Haneefa" [1] He died in the city of Bukhaara and become a shaykh in his province (identical to size of atleast 2 contemporary countries nowadays) of his generation 

[Ref: العبر في خبر من غبر 2/ 334]

[1] Imam abu haneefa become widely known inside the subject of deductions , analogy and hadeeth programs. 

Imam dhahabi some other place stated :

من يضرب به المثل۔۔۔أخذ عنه أئمة

he turned into such that examples were given of him that Big imams used to look at from abu ja`far (r.H)

[Ref: Siyar `alam 16/131]


There are accordingly 2 perspectives especially concerning zakatul fitr

1) untuk memberikan makanan yang tepat yang disebutkan dalam hadits dalam ukuran yang tepat - ini sebagian besar diikuti oleh dhahiris, beberapa salafi ekstrim 

2) bahwa memberi makanan atau uang, keduanya diperbolehkan dalam kuantitas lebih atau kurang dari pada Anda. Tetapi tidak boleh kurang dari nisb minimum yang disebutkan dalam hadits terkait zakatul fitr - ini diikuti oleh banyak Muslim dari madhahib yang berbeda dan banyak salafi juga. Dan sejujurnya ini adalah pendapat terbaik dalam pandangan pribadi saya karena hari ini di beberapa negara maju seperti kuwait, qatar, singapore, dll. Orang-orang mungkin miskin secara finansial namun sangat puas dengan jatah di rumah mereka sehingga memberi uang tunai kepada mereka adalah pilihan yang lebih baik. Tetapi di negara berkembang seperti India, dll masih memberikan makanan seperti susu, kishmish (buah kering), dll. Lebih baik untuk zakatul fitr. 
Mungkinkah terdapat separo replika dekat mana wakaf zakatul Fitri diperbolehkan selaku tunai

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